“Familiar Faces” is a series of prints created from 2005 to 2012. As the title implies, the images are inspired from people. The words familiar and familial are connected in the work. What is family to some may also be familiar to others. The viewer may recognize the individuals portrayed as someone they know, have seen, or even just recognize. Some famous artists are portrayed in the series as well as family and friends. The focus explores issues of gender, identity, character, humor, personality, and ethnic heritage. The face is a poignant element in the work and capturing gesture and expression portrays its graphic significance. The artwork allows the viewer to find parallels between the subject matter and their own experience with others. A comparison can then be constructed through the identities that are portrayed. The black and white format allows me to get to the fundamental root of the process and the content. It is deliberate, immediate, and revealing.
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email: info@benjamingrossart.com